Yesterday, we received the following email from a client who is a leader in the health care field, here in Mantioba:

Here is our response:

We share this electronic conversation with you because we know there are many “Jennifers” out there. And not only in the healthcare sector. There are many, many amazing Manitobans/Canadians/Earthlings who are making very real daily sacrifices for the rest of us in this unprecedented time of uncertainty and fear. I’m thinking truck drivers, grocery store workers, delivery services, cleaners…
We’ve been wondering how our firm can be of service, and Jennifer’s email has shown us a way. Thank you, Jennifer. (By the way, she said “yes” to the question of us sharing her email in this way.)
We thought you may be interested in “eavesdropping” on this conversation and other conversations like it as they unfold. We plan to provide regular, short, informal conflict resolution and leadership insights relevant to the extremely stressful, unpredictable and uncertain times we find ourselves in. Sign up in the box on the right side of this page.