I ask because many of our clients do. I ask because a couple of our clients who have a December 31 fiscal year-end, came up with this idea on how to make the most of their training/professional development budget.

Problem: The organization was nearing the end of their fiscal year. There was still money in the professional development budget but no more available time to schedule live training session.
Solution: They purchased access to our online training courses.
Benefits: The organization’s leaders and employees now have access to the courses for several months into their new fiscal year (and it was paid for on last year’s budget – how brilliant is that!).
If your organization’s year-end is looming and you find yourself approaching a “use-it or lose-it” deadline, contact us 204-774-5389 to discuss our online training options so you can make the most of your organization’s training investment.
For a free preview of our online courses, visit our online school.